This is a counting game in which students have to add the value of all the coins that appear to give the final answer. There are not different levels, so in our opinion the game is simple. We recommend it for students of the 1st cycle.
- To improve in additions
- To develop the mental calculus
In this game the children have to think about the age of the persons who are described, and try to put those persons in order taking into account their age. This game is recommended for students of the 2nd cycle of primary.
- To work on rational thought
- To improve numeracy
This game can be difficult even for the students of the 3rd cycle of primary. It consists of comparing different numbers (rationales) and trying to put them in order, say if the expression shown is true or not…
- To order the rational numbers correctly
- To work with symbols (more, less, equal)
In this game the students have to count the number of squares that are thrown on the floor, and give the answer as soon as possible to gain more points. The game becomes more difficult when passing each test. We recommend to use it with children on the second cycle of primary.
- To count the correct number of squares, numeracy
- To work on mental speed
They have to fill the gaps with the correct number (from one to ten) so that the operation is correct, there can be more than one option correct, and the soon they do it, the more points they gain. There are three levels, but we think it is a game quite difficult, so we recommend it for the children of the 3rd cycle of primary.
- To work in additions
- To develop the mental calculus
- To work with unknown quantities
- To improve the mental speed
In this game the students have to write the number of sheep they have been shown, so it is a counting game. The time to give an answer doesn’t matter in this game. We recommend it for students of the 1st cycle.
- To count correctly, numeracy
This game is very simple. The children have to click on the fingers of the hands so that these ones stretch or shrink. This way, they link the number of fingers stretched and the symbol of the number corresponded to that number. This game is recommend for the youngest children of primary.
- To work on numeracy
In this game the student has to count the number of lions, monkeys, snakes, elephants…that are in an island. The game also work statistics and simple operations. We recommend this game for students of the 2nd cycle of primary.
- To improve in additions
- To improve in subtractions
- To Counting
The song is about numeracy from number one to ten. They count the number of fishes, children and ships on or in the sea. We recommend this song for students of the first cycle of primary.
This song is about numeracy from one to ten too. They have to count the number of children that are on the bed, while some of them are going out. We recommend this sing for children of the first cycle of primary.
The song is about numeracy. In this song the students have to count the number of planes that are flying in the sky. We think this song can be nice for the children of the first cycle of primary.